What's the Right Timing for a 妈妈改造?-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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By 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 |

What’s the Right Timing for a 妈妈改造?

Best Time for 妈妈改造 - Donaldson 整形手术Pregnancy and childbirth are usually among the most momentous events in any mother’s life—emotionally, but often physically as well. 生完孩子后, it’s common to want to get back to a former weight and wardrobe; however, the transformation back to normalcy takes patience and time. While many new mothers are eager to achieve a pre-pregnancy body, the timing of a 妈妈改造 是很重要的.

At Least 6 Months Are Necessary To Recover From Pregnancy & 分娩 

优化 结果 of plastic surgery, it 是很重要的 to wait for approximately six months after giving birth. Some surgeons would consider operating after three months, others recommend a full nine months to give hormones a chance to return to normal levels. Regardless of the exact timeframe, it is prudent to give a new mother’s body a chance to 恢复 from pregnancy and childbirth so that surgical goals may be precisely calculated. Women who are breastfeeding should similarly wait for several months after weaning their babies. This delay allows breasts to stop producing milk and to finalize their “new normal” shape.

Parents should consider whether they plan to have more children. Mothers who anticipate future pregnancy despite having plastic surgery should expect a surgical revision at some point. 对于耐用, 长期的结果, patients are advised to complete childbearing before proceeding with a 妈妈改造.

Surgery can be immensely helpful to a young mom’s sense of self and confidence, it often takes tremendous patience to wait until the circumstances are right.

作者简介杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 Author Bio

杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 is one of the nation’s leading experts when it comes to the 妈妈改造 procedure. He has helped countless women reclaim their confidence throughout his 20+ years of experience and he hopes to help more patients make the right decision for themselves at this stage in their lives. 

